ISSN Online: 2960-2599
ISSN Print: 2960-2580
Aims and Scope
Pioneer Journal of Biostatistics and Medical Research (PJBMR) is the first journal specialized in the field of biostatistics and medical statistics that will be published quarterly. PJBMR intends to encourage health researchers to use purpose-based, novel statistical techniques to find meaningful results and infer those results for practical solutions to health-related problems.
ISSN Online: 2960-2599
ISSN Print: 2960-2580
Copyright 2023: Pioneer Journal of Biostatistics and Medical Research (PJBMR) publishes under the policy of Creative Commons licence
ISSN Print: 2960-2580 | ISSN Online: 2960-2599
Publisher: Medical Research and Statistical Consultancy Training Centre (SMC-PRIVATE) Limited
This journal is developed and maintained by TRIM